Final Semester

I am starting my fourth and final semester tomorrow. Final semester already? Where has the time flies? I survived three semesters, seems like it was just yesterday when I first stepped foot into college. Not going to be all mushy now, that have to wait until the end of this semester, which will be on this upcoming June. Yup, I'm graduating in June. Hehe yay! Six months to go. But before that, I have to go through some major events in college. Last semester was really really hard, it was such a big dissapointment to me. I had so many breakdowns, I can't remember how many times I burst into tears. It was challenging, both mentally and physically. And for that, I am hoping I'll bounce back this semester and may He'll always guide me through the way, InsyaAllah. So what awaits me this semester: -IELTS, 15th and 16th January. -Mid Semester Examination -Pre A2, somewhere in April -A2, in May and June, which will decide whether I'm going to India or not. Be scared! I'd better start studying for my IELTS, I am not planning to repeat this exam which will costs me rm550. Mana nak dapat duit tu, haih. I should start practicing my reading, listening and writing skills. And the most important, part speaking test! cuak cuak, cakap English pun tergagap-gagap lagi, ada hati pulak nak ambik exam. -.-
