Unspoken words, unpublished thoughts.

It feels like it’s been a decade since I have my thoughts pint down here. This is just one of those moments where I have that need to just pour my soul out without being judged or responsed to. Nothing is ever as good or as bad as it seems. As we grow old, there will always be another something beyond that another something. There will always be another way of viewing things, another perspective of judging things, another side of a story you never knew existed. You just don’t settle for one thing and take it as it is. Things tend to get more and more complicated with the amount of thinking you happen to subconsciously do. And somehow, some way, you’ll always find yourself be put in situation where you see things the way you wanted it to be seen. It’s only natural.

Sometimes it’s not that we can’t accept the fact or the reality that things is not as it seems, or that things happen to be the way we least like it to be. Sometimes it’s just, you happen to have so much faith and hope on a certain thing, you’d rather think of it as a blessing in disguise, or as something temporary and willing to keep an open mind about it as you go along with your life. They say there’s nothing wrong with hoping as long as you remember to draw a line to it and keep in mind that anything can happen. It’s His to decide.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, yes, people’s perspectives differ. And it’s simply impossible to live to please everybody. But I know I’m the kind who will always try to fix my flaws when I can and when I’m aware of it. Hey, no one is perfect, everyone is trying.

Hang in there, heart.
