A piece of love

He takes you to places in your dreams and in your realities that you never imagined possible.

And yet we believe that miracles are all in the past?

We aren't meant to read about miracles of Allah and then just move on as though they're stories of the past. We are meant to understand that the miracles of Allah are happening all the time, all around us and within us as well.

When you cry out in the middle of the chaos of life- My Lord, show me a sign!
Look within yourself
Remember every difficulty He saved you from
Remember when He healed you
Remember when He gave you a light to carry in the middle of the darkness

Remember how you've survived so much- only because of Him
You are a miracle

"We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?"
Fussilat 41:53 

- Asmaa Hussein 
